How To Store Your CBD?

CBD is now available in so many types of products from oils, tinctures, vapor, candy, bath bombs, face masks, candles or beauty products, you will be able to find CBD products right for you. Once you have found the CBD product that is for you, it is necessary to know how to store it in the correct fashion for it to stay safe and fresh.

CBD candies, gel caps, and oils are considered food and health supplements which is why they are commonly stored with items like food in the kitchen. CBD face masks are technically cosmetic skincare items and are stored in the bathroom.

CBD comes from plants and with all plants, it’s a natural compound and can break down with age. That is why the proper storage can help preserve the life of the CBD and its elements such as terpenes far longer. No matter what your CBD product is, it is key to prevent it being exposed to direct sunlight, or moist air as well as extreme temperature over 80 degrees for long periods of time. By following the rules of storage you will prevent the fast breakdown of the CBD.

Core Rules For Storing CBD Items

  1. Keep CBD away from Sunlight
  2. Keep CBD away from direct Heat
  3. Do not keep near the stove
  4. Do not keep near appliances that give off heat
  5. Do not keep near a window
  6. Do not keep in your car
  7. Keep CBD away from the Air
  8. Air can degrade CBD
  9. Oxygen can alter the chemical balance of CBD oils

Cool, Dark, and Sealed Is the Key to CBD Storage

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